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Saving Money On Cigars

Smoking cigars can be a truly rewarding experience for those enjoy them and the subtlety of each cigar. Different brands use varying tobaccos and different rolling techniques, and no two cigars are exactly the same. For serious cigar smokers trying a variety of different cigars and maintaining a fully stocked supply of them can be costly. Here are several things that a cigar smoker can do to save money.

Use a Humidifier

A humidifier, while it has an initial cost associated with purchasing one, can save you money in the long run by extending the life of the cigars that you purchase. Nobody wants to buy an expensive cigar only to have it taste flat and stale. Instead, a humidifier will not only extend the lives of the cigars that you buy but also allow you to buy cigars in bulk which can lead to a lower cost per cigars. Humidifiers vary in size and sophistication and the right cigar humidifier depends on your budget and cigar smoking habits.

Try a Cigar Wholesale Distributor

Buying in bulk through a cigar wholesale distributor can save you money by cutting out an unnecessary layer through a cigar retailer. What's more, a cigar wholesale distributor will often have access to a greater variety of cigars and tends to have more extensive experience with cigars and can help you to identify the right cigar for your tastes. Since wholesale cigar distributors make their money in bulk sales and are often passionate about cigars, once you develop a friendship and committed relationship with one, they may tend to be more interested in making sure you have a pleasant experience with your cigar purchases than simply profiting off of your business. Try to ask appropriate questions and be honest with your tastes and preferences rather than trying to sound simply like a cigar connoisseur for the best results.

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